Rajeev Garg

Power Bi

Microsoft Power BI

(Duration: 18hrs.)

Introduction to Microsoft Power BI

Introduction Basic Charts in Microsoft Power BI Desktop

Download, Install and upgrade new features in Microsoft Power BI


Introduction to Microsoft Power BI

Column Chart   |   Stacked Column Chart   |   Pie Chart   |   Donut Chart   |   Funnel Chart   |   Ribbon Chart   |   Include and Exclude   |   Export data from Visual


Introduction to Maps in Microsoft Power BI Desktop

Map   |   Filled Map   |   Map with Pie Chart   |   Formatting in Map   |   Change Background in Map   |   Map of India


Introduction to Table and Matrix in Microsoft Power BI

Table in Power BI   |   Formatting a Table Map   |   Map Conditional formatting in Table   |   Aggregation in Table   |   Matrix in Power BI   |   Conditional Formatting in Matrix   |   How to create Hirearchies in Power BI   |   Sub-Total and Total in Matrix   |   Number Formatting in Table


Introduction to Other Charts in Power BI

Line Chart in Power BI   |   Drill down in Line Chart   |   Area Chart   |   Line vs Column Char   |   Scatter Plot   |   Waterfall Char   |   Tree Map   |   Guage Chart


Introduction to Cards and Filters in Microsoft Power BI

Number Card   |   Text Card   |   Formatting of Text Card   |   Date Card   |   Date Card ( Relative Date Filtering )   |   Multi-Row Card   |   Filter on Visual  |   Filter on This Page   |   Filter on All Pages   |   Drillthrough in Power BI


Introduction to Slicers in Microsoft Power BI

Text Slicers in Power BI   |   Formatting a Text Slicer   |   Date Slicers in Power BI   |   Formatting a Date Slicer   |   Number Slicers in Power BI


Advanced Charts in Power BI

Animated Bar Chart Race   |   Word Cloud   |   Infographic   |   Play Axis Scroller   |   Sunburst Chart   |   Histogram


Drillthroigh in PowerBi Reports

Insert Image in Power BI   |   Insert Text in Power BI   |   Insert Shapes in Power BI   |   Insert Shapes in Power BI   |   Insert Buttons in Power BI   |   Insert Buttons in Power BI   |   Web URL Action in Power BI   |   Page Navigation Action in Power BI   |   Bookmark Action in Power BI   |   Drillthrough Action in Power BI


Creating SuperStore In PowerBi

Create a Superstore Report in Power BI   |   How to Create an Account on Power BI Service   |    How to Publish Report to Power BI Service Account   |   How to Publish Report to Power BI Service Account   |   How to Export Power BI Report to PPT, PDF or PBIX   |   Comment, Share and Subscribe to Power BI Report   |   How to Create a Dashboard in Power BI Service   |   Issue with Power BI Dashboard and its solution   |   How to Refresh Reports Automatically in Power BI Using Gateway


Power Query In PowerBi

Different Text Functions in Power Query   |   How to Merge Columns in Power Query   |   How to Split and Trim in Power Query   |   Upper, Lower and Proper Case in Power Query   |   How to add Prefix and Suffix in Power Query   |   Left,Right and Mid Functions in Power Query   |   How to Extract Text with Delimiters in Power Query (Power Bi)


Introduction to Date Functions in Power Query(Power BI)

Year, Quarter, Month and Day Functions in Power Query (Power BI)

How to find Difference between Dates in Power Query(Power BI)

How to get Month and Day Name in Power Query (Power BI)

How to Day, Week of Month, Year in Power Query (Power BI)

How to Extract Date, Time in Power Query (Power BI)

How to Calculate Age in Power Query (Power BI)

How to Day of Year, Quarter, Month in Power Query (Power BI)


Introduction to Number Functions in Power Query (Power BI)

Basic Number Functions in Power Query (Power BI)

How to get Percentage,Percent Of, Module in Power Query (Power BI)

How to Round Numbers in Power Query (Power BI)

IsEven,IsODD, Sign in Power Query (Power BI)


How to Append multiple excel sheets,Tables in Power Query (Power BI)

How to Append multiple excel sheets,Tables in Power Query (Power BI)

How to Append Excel sheets or Tables with different columns in Power BI

How to Append multiple Excel files from a folder in Power BI

How to Append different data sources in Power BI


Merge Files and Tables in Power BI

Introduction to Merge Files and Tables in Power BI

How to Merge Sheets or Tables in Power Query (Power BI)

How to Merge Data from multiple Excel files or Workbooks in Power BI

How to Merge data from different data sources in Power Query (Power BI)

How to Merge data having multiple criteria in Power BI


Conditional Column and Column from example in Power BI

Introduction to Conditional Column and Column from example in Power BI

Column from examples in Power BI – Split Text

Column from examples in Power BI – Merge Columns

Column from Examples in Power BI – Date

Column from Examples in Power BI – Alphanumeric


Conditional Column in Power BI

Conditional Column in Power BI – One Column

Conditional Column in Power BI – two columns

Conditional Column in Power BI – on Dates


Fill Down in Power BI

How to Group in Power Query (Power BI)

How to Transpose in Power Query (Power BI)

How to Unpivot In Power Query (Power BI)

Different Data Types in Power Query (Power BI)

How to find and Replace Errors and Values in Power Query (Power BI)

How to Keep and Remove Rows in Power Query (Power BI)

How to Add,Remove and Goto Columns in Power Query (Power BI)